All that I am, all that I ever was…

I am more than my mental health. I am more than my homelessness. I am more than any one aspect of me. I am Addy. And this is…


A postcard to my fourteen year old self

Today’s WordPress Daily Prompt is: write a letter to your 14-year-old self.

A few months ago I sent an open letter to my thirteen year old self. If you haven’t read it, you really should, as it’s a post that has passed my strict regulations of awesomeness to become one I’m proud of:

Unsent Letter #7: And before you think it – no, I’m not trying to flirt with you!

Not wishing to inundate my younger self with letters from future me, I decided to send him a postcard instead.


 Callanish Standing Stones (Isle of Lewis, 2000) © Addy


Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

This week’s photo challenge is geometry.

For a long time I’ve had a habit of taking one ‘snapshot’ of a major landmark followed by several dozen abstracts of the same subject. I do this not because I want to render the famous building unrecognisable, but because I love the shapes and rhythms of our world.

I will leave it to you to identify what famous Australian landmark this is, there’s no fun in just telling you :)

“Everything one invents is true, you may be perfectly sure of that. Poetry is as precise as geometry.”
~  Gustave Flaubert ~

Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge GEOMETRY
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry
Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry

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Ten years in Australia: #6. Melbourne vs Sydney

This week marks the tenth anniversary of my arrival in Australia!

In celebration, throughout this week I will be sharing some of my favourite photographs of this great country.

For as long as I’ve been in Australia I’ve had to endure the perennial argument of ‘which is better, Melbourne or Sydney?’

To say I have become bored with this debate is an understatement. After all, both cities have their positive and negative aspects, both are ludicrously expensive, neither are better than Inverness and everyone knows Melbourne whips Sydney’s ass anyway!

And anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly living in denial.

So to end this argument once and for all, let’s ask some seagulls (whom we all know are the discerning critics of the sky) which city they prefer to hang out in?

Melbourne (Victoria) © Addy


Sydney (New South Wales) © Addy

So there we have it, the seagulls have spoken. At a whopping 6:1 ratio, Melbourne is by far the better city! End of debate.

Note: no seagulls were bribed with delicious chips in the taking of these photographs (as such actions would be incredibly unscientific!)


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Ten years in Australia: #5. Daylesford Sunset

This week marks the tenth anniversary of my arrival in Australia!

In celebration, throughout this week I will be sharing some of my favourite photographs of this great country.

Daylesford Sunset (Daylesford, Victoria 2004) © Addy

Anyone who has ever glanced at my header image will know I have a passion for sunsets. For as long as I can remember the colours that ignite the sky during this brief period of the day have held me in a hypnotic thrall.

Fortunately, Australia rarely disappoints in this area. Over the last ten years  I’ve witnessed dozens of breathtaking sunsets in this fair land, none more impressive than the spectacle that was on show when my parents and I visited Daylesford in late 2004.


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Ten years in Australia: #5. The National Gallery of Victoria

This week marks the tenth anniversary of my arrival in Australia!

In celebration, throughout this week I will be sharing some of my favourite photographs of this great country.

One of my favourite places in Melbourne is the Ian Potter Centre, which houses the National Gallery of Victoria‘s Australian Art collection. Back in the day this was a regular haunt of mine, with countless days of my life spent roaming the rooms and corridors of this magnificent building, especially the Indigenous Art collection on the ground floor.

It’s been over a year since I was in Melbourne, over two years since I last had the opportunity of exploring this most wonderful of galleries. Until I get the opportunity to visit it once more I have to make do with the memories of past visits and a selection of photographs I took when I spent a few hours in the gallery to escape a vicious storm when I was homeless.

If you ever visit Melbourne (or are a resident of this fair city) the NGV Australia is a must-visit destination. I guarantee you will not be disappointed :)


Other images in this series: