All that I am, all that I ever was…

I am more than my mental health. I am more than my homelessness. I am more than any one aspect of me. I am Addy. And this is…

15 facts about me

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As a new month dawns, so does a new blog challenge. I discovered this fifteen day challenge on the blog Life of Love and decided that after a month writing about mental illness, a little variety was in order.

The first prompt asks: list 15 facts about yourself. Most people would probably consider this rather simple, but considering I have already written 101 facts about me and 12 more facts about me, coming up with fifteen brand spanking new ones may prove a tad difficult!

But, as always, I will give it my best shot!

01. Last week, I was knocked off my bike by a swooping magpie!

02. My obsession with wooden objects (probably) borders on being a fetish.

03. One of my strongest memories of childhood is playing snooker with my father during football match half-times.

04. If I watch one season of a television series, I feel obliged to watch every season of that show.

05. Courtesy of it being the only film played during a six-day train journey, I know every line of Galaxy Quest.

06. The only song I sing in the shower is Madonna’s Hanky Panky.

07. I once accidentally groped an Australian singer-songwriter at the Port Fairy Folk Festival.
      Note: I shall leave her nameless as my father would probably be incredibly jealous of this fact! :p

08. Back in the days before insomnia, I would have “serialised” dreams over several nights. They were awesome!

09. I used to play in charity netball matches at school; and seriously rocked the skirt we had to wear!

10. Perhaps as a result of those netball matches, if I could wear a kilt every day, I would.

11. My favourite Christopher Brookmyre novel is A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil.

12. One of my guilty pleasures is the Rick Moranis starring Honey I Shrunk the Kids trilogy.

13. People always look at me weirdly when I tell them I read (and enjoy) feminist literature.

14. I point-blank refused to eat pizza until someone forced me to eat a slice when I was twenty-one.

15. One of my dreams in life is to be the host of a pub trivia quiz.

Honey I Shrunk the Kids

12. One of my guilty pleasures is the Rick Moranis starring Honey I Shrunk the Kids trilogy.

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