All that I am, all that I ever was…

I am more than my mental health. I am more than my homelessness. I am more than any one aspect of me. I am Addy. And this is…

[NSFW] Butt is it Art or Porn III: The Spanking Art Edition

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Today’s prompt in the 30 Day Self Harm Awareness Challenge asks
What is something that makes you the most happy?


This post isn’t going to be for everyone. Some of you may look upon it and think oooo, I’m getting all sorts of fuzzy warm feelings inside, whilst others will look upon it and think that’s absolutely disgusting, I’m going to write a strongly worded letter to this deviant! But that’s kinda the point. It’s meant to be divisive. It’s meant to create debate.

Now I’ll be honest. I didn’t actually write this post. This post is a collaboration between two of my voices, Meadhbh and Shay, but the topic, the content of this post, makes me blissfully happy. That’s why they wrote it. Whilst lost to the flashback and nightmare earlier this week, Meadhbh and Shay took it upon themselves to create something that would make me happy, something that would fill me with the aforementioned fuzzy warm feelings. They didn’t post it straight away because they didn’t want to upset me, they didn’t want to put something out there if I wasn’t comfortable with it being in the public domain, but after careful consideration, and after seeing the prompt for today’s installment of the 30 Day Self Harm Awareness Challenge, I’ve decided to post it and see what happens.

So I will now hand you over to Meadhbh and Shay, who have put together a collection of artwork that depicts a most heartwarming bottomwarming of activities, to ask the question butt is it art or porn?

Under normal circumstances I would password protect this post. However, Meadhbh is not a fan of password protection, so we have reached a compromise. I will post it without a password under the proviso that this warning is inserted: family members of Addy, I politely request that you read no further! Thank you! :)

~ Purple text is written by Meadhbh ~
~ Red text is written by Shay ~
~ Image captions have been attributed ~

“Spanking is a one handed round of applause in appreciation of a magnificent ass.”

I’m a man of few words. As far as I’m concerned words are superfluous. What matters is action. Which is why the little faerie will be doing most of the writing in this post. She cares about how Andrew is perceived. I don’t. If people want to see him as disgusting and evil for liking spanking, that’s up to them. All I care about is asking the hard questions. Is it possible for there to be too much cunnilingus in a relationship? Do people really like kissing? Why do people make such stupid faces when they’re fucking? And…is it art or porn? I know the answer to that question. But I’m not going to tell you. You have to make up your own mind. You need to look at the pictures I’ve chosen and ask yourself is it art or is it porn? And then you’ll have the answer.

Where to start? I don’t want to just jump in with the images. There needs to be context. There needs to be emotion. Shay would have you believe that all you need in life is a pert little bottom and life is grand. I’m different. Andrew is different. We need feelings. We need emotion. I’ve already said that, but it’s true, without emotion there is nothing. Without context, there would just be prettiful images to look at.

So. Andrew was six years old when he started falling in love with spanking. Which kinda makes the whole ‘he chose this kink’ brigade look a bit stupid. I know as well as he does that he was born like this. I have no problem with his love of spanking, in fact, I think it’s kinda cute. There’s nothing wrong with a good spanking between consenting adults and anyone who tells you different is obviously a bit of a prat who wouldn’t know awesome super delicious fun if it came up and bit them on the bum!

But Andrew has been made to feel evil about his love of spanking. Mainly because people he trusted, people I liked, told him that he was disgusting and evil for loving a bit of spanking action. It hurt him. It made him doubt and question himself. Was he evil? Was he disgusting? I always told him that he wasn’t, that these people were saying hurtful things in order to hurt him, but he took the comments to heart all the same. He wouldn’t believe me when I told him they were wrong.

It was only Samantha. Lovely, fantabulous Samantha, who made him accept this side of his personality. She used to tell him it was just another small stitch in the multi-coloured tapestry that was him. That it was part of the very DNA that made up his life and he shouldn’t hide from it, feel disgusted by it or consider himself evil because of it. She made him realise what I always knew. That those people were evil for making him hate a part of himself, not that he was evil because he loves a bit of spanking.

Do you understand? That’s why I want to write this post. I want him to realise what Samantha was saying was true. I want him to realise that he is not disgusting or evil or wrong or grotesque or any of the other things he’s been called because of his spanking loves. And I want you to realise he is not any of these things. He is just a person. A beautiful, wondrous person who loves red bottoms and warm buns. Spanking can be fun. Spanking can be art. That’s what’s so silly about Shay’s question. It’s so obvious that these images are art. Because porn is so much more ickier! ;) Don’t you think?


And to prove that, we need only look at these two pictures. Nothing icky about them. They are, for me, at the very heart of Shay’s question. The colouring. The texture. The shading. The inclusion of yummy mythological creatures! (What? They’re in the picture above, lurking in the background looking all awesome and magnifastic!) I don’t understand how people could look at these images and not immediately think art. I also know that Andrew loves these two images. We’ve talked about them.

In the picture above he loves the redness on the girl’s bottom. He loves the candle faces. He loves the torn dress she is wearing. I like the awesome blue creature that is happily watching the girl’s plight. Even though I hate the colour blue with an intense passion!

In the picture below he loves the shading. He loves the crumpled jeans on the floor. He loves the bruising on his butt. He loves the girl lurking in the shadows watching the situation unfold, perhaps feeling sorry for her friend, perhaps feeling nervous that she will be next.

I don’t see how anyone can look at these two images and call them porn. They are art. They are beautiful. Regardless of subject matter. Regardless of whether you think spanking is evil and disgusting. They are pretty, fantabulous, gorgeous, images. And more than any of the other pictures Shay has chosen for this post, answers the question whether they are art or porn. They are art. Pure and simple. How could you say otherwise?


I know Andrew is going to be embarrassed by me writing about his secret passion, but I’m not ashamed of it, and neither should he be. We all have things that excite us, we all have kinks that drive us, this, spanking, just happens to be his. It makes him happy. It puts a smile on his face. And that, in the end, should be all that matters!

So that’s it. Thank you for reading. Thank you for looking at these beautiful pictures we’ve chosen to entertain you with. Hopefully they have made you happy too. If you feel like it why don’t you comment and let us know whether you think these are art or icky, nasty pornography. But be kind. If you’re mean to my Andrew I may just have to put you over my knee myself! :p

“Being spanked is the ultimate obedience, the final pleasure. It is life on the highwire.”
~ Chloe Thurlow ~

Past installments in the Butt is it Art or Porn series:
You can read more about the evolution of Andrew’s spanking fetish in:
  • Fifty Shades of Addy
    Note: I’m trying to get Andrew to take the password protection off. He hasn’t yet. But I’m wearing him down! :p
    Note: 11/7/15…I did it! Andrew has not only taken the password protection of this post but all posts. I’m super awesome! :p
Or examine how corporal punishment/spanking can assist in mental health recovery:

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